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Image by Nicolas Tissot



In order to ensure a sustainable and just economy, Canadians should not only have access to sustainable, well-paying jobs, but a universal basic income as well. These measures, along with access to mental health care for all Canadians, will provide a solid base for healthy, thriving communities. No one should go without support when it is in our federal government's power to provide necessary supports.



As a climate scientist, nothing could be more clear to me than the need for a rapid and wholesale just transition towards a sustainable economy that works for all. This will require considering every single policy through the lens of environmental justice, and acting on issues like endangered species protection that can make a difference right now.



A Green recovery requires diversification of our economy. We can accomplish this by investing in training and emerging technologies to ensure no one is left behind as we become technological leaders in clean energy. By exporting our skills and expertise, Canada can become a global leader and contribute to a worldwide shift in approaches to sustainability.



Don't see your question?

The Canada Greens are guided by six founding principles.

All our policies are developed with these principles as a focusing lens.

  • Ecological Wisdom

  • Sustainability

  • Respect for Diversity

  • Social Justice

  • Participatory Democracy

  • Nonviolence

The full Green Party of Canada platform can be found at

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